The saying goes you can never have too much of a good thing, well the rain in the west-central region is pushing this to the limit. 

The forecast for the week is calling for off and on rain, which may last until next week.  

Justin Shelley, meteorologist with environment and climate change Canada explained that “... starting on Wednesday we really start to see a low-pressure system develop that's going to bring widespread showers and rain to the region as well as potential for additional thunderstorms with that as well. 

The west-central area specifically, it's going to be on the edge of some of the heavier precipitation right now, with this system that's going to linger for the better part of the week.  

It looks like the bulk of the moisture is going to fall in more northern regions and more eastern regions, but it does look like that the West Central areas between Saskatoon, Kindersley, Swift Current in those regions could see some intermittent showers as the week progresses.” 

Shelley also explained that with this weather, the wind will be picking up as well, “we're going to start to see some stronger southerly winds in the region. So tomorrow, likely those gusts will get up to about 40, maybe 50 kilometers per hour and then that will persist into Wednesday as well, turning a bit more westerly as we head into Wednesday night to Thursday and then Thursday, looks like the best chance of some more significant winds.  

With gusts of you know upwards of 60, maybe 70 kilometers per hour on Thursday.” 

Keep up to date with weather in the West Central region here