At approximately 1:30 pm on Monday, Wilkie firefighters were called out to a fire just north of town.

The fire is believed to be the cause of a controlled burn that happened a couple weeks ago that was stirred up due to the high winds we are experiencing.

Fire Chief, Randy Elder said, "One thing people should be aware of especially when burning things like trees is that trees will burn for up to 6 months. Most people figure that these fires go out in three days because everything looks burnt but there's a lot of ash and when you try to cover them up with dirt  they just smoulder all the more and it only take a little spark and today's weather conditions to active a whole new fire."

Thankfully there were no reported injuries caused by the blaze, however one resident lost sheds and trailers located on his property and approximately 80 acres of farmland.

This was the third fire that the Wilkie Fire Department has been called to since Good Friday. Currently they are on standby