Sylvia Chave of Delisle, was selected to perform at Telemiracle 41 after auditioning for the big show in Saskatoon. 

Sylvia's been a children's entertainer for years, and thus, she has a plethora of songs at her disposal, including a couple that she's selected to perform at Telemiracle 41. 


Sylvia played her medley, and the organizer's loved it. Sylvia said she wouldn't be bringing any kids with her up on stage this year, but if she ever gets the chance to perform in the future, she will definitely do so. 

Sylvia was also ecstatic to find out her time slot resides in the 6-8 AM slot on Sunday morning, and not at 2 AM. 

Sylvia stated she does a concert series 4 times a year at the refinery in Saskatoon. She'll often travel around and play at children's festivals. Chave just got back from Alberta at the Spruce Grove Horizon Theater. 

Chave is extremely excited to be able to perform at Telemiracle, and she said she is just in the midst of planning a show in Delisle and a show in Saskatoon to raise some funds for Telemiracle before she shows up there. Chave hasn't set any dates for the shows, just yet.