Local RCMP found an early June incident quite "disturbing" because some parents bought alcohol for youths involved, "knowing they would drive somewhere," Sergeant Jason Waldner told town council on June 20th. An officer caught 13 young people in a limousine travelling erratically on a grid road near Fiske and charged 12 of them for having liquor in a vehicle, stripped the driver his license for a month and impounded the limousine for three days. Waldner added SGI would suspend the driver's license for another year.

As a result, a change is going to occur to the diversion program where young people caught with alcohol can avoid court and a $360 ticket by attending an alcohol and substance-abuse program given by a health region nurse. The program involves several hours in classes and one-on-one counselling. In addition, youths who receive an alcohol ticket will also have to do 10 hours of community service.

Sergeant Waldner also went on to say they want to hammer home that nothing benefits from underage drinking. Officer's don't want to go to people's homes and tell them a son or daughter has died in an alcohol-related crash. Waldner also stated that the number of area residents charged with impaired driving still causes concern.

Also, Waldner noted, detachment officers are doing more traffic enforcement in town and in the countryside.

Altogether, officers wrote 467 traffic tickets in the area this past May, compared with just 222 in May of last year.