The Ministry of Highways has their highway construction map updated for 2024-25. Paving, and other equipment have been coming out of hibernation lately with the spring finally set in around Saskatchewan.

Highway #7, Highway #14, and Highway #15 are all busy spots looking at the map below, with other work mixed in and around the region.

Screenshot 2024-05-09 122601.png Commutes may be affected with a good amount of roadwork set for the area 

The pink dots represent safety improvement projects. Culvert installations like the one on the map north of Plenty are indicated by the green diamond, bridge replacements shown through the red diamond. The green lines represent light preservation projects, dark blue represents re-paving, light-blue representing work on thin-membrane-surface and rural highways

The road construction season is just getting underway. In the recent provincial budget, the government committed to 1100 km of improved highways, including 260 km of repaving around the province. That's part of their overall goal of upgrading 10,000 kms of highways in ten years.

Read a story from earlier in the week detailing four total projects taking place along Highway #7.