UPDATE: 5:00

According to more people with loved ones on the highways, there is another accident west of town at the scales.

The driver who took the picture was noted to be pulled over in the passing lane, since the storm hit this morning. Vehicles have been moving slowly eastbound the entire time, and west bound traffic hasn’t moved at all the entire storm.

FB Accident Another accident has taken place west of town near the weigh scales

An ambulance was also reported stuck on 8th Street in Kindersley. 

Do not travel.

ORIGINAL 4:46 pm

According to the Kindersley RCMP, they are currently dealing with an accident on the highway 7 next to the 7/11 in the midst of these blizzarding conditions. Police are rerouting highway traffic to the northern service road, but there is an unattended white vehicle with the hazard lights on blocking eastbound lane near Kindersley Bearing along with a number of other vehicles stranded in the same area off the road.

Multiple RCMP detachments have requested the public stay off the road at this time.

A tow truck has been called to remove vehicles in the way, but there is no confirmation on where things sit.