On Thursday the Government of Saskatchewan shared the outcome of their June oil and gas public offering. During the offering on June 4, 80 parcels receiving 64 acceptable bids covered 12,363.127 hectares of land, raising $7.4 million in revenue for the province.

Locally, offers in the Kindersley-area generated $51,083.16 in revenue for three leases totaling 584.644 hectares. In April's public offering, the area generated over $250,000.

To the northwest, the Lloydminster-area brought in the most revenue at $5,584,969.71 for 36 leases. They also earned one exploration license for 9,686.269 hectares. Looking south, after Lloydminster was the Estevan-area with $1,777,905.83 for 24 leases totaling 2,092.214 hectares.

"The highest bonus bid received for a lease went to Lexterra Land Ltd., which offered $727,796.67, an average of $3,089.92 per hectare, on a 235.539-hectare lease northeast of Lloydminster."

April and June's public offerings were the first two of the year, collecting a total of $22,868,706.72 in revenue, that up about $2 million compared to this time last year. Four more public offerings are left in the fiscal year, with the next scheduled offering coming up on August 6.