Autism awareness day was April 2, 2016, which kicks off Autism awareness month. The day is meant to bring awareness about the neurodevelopment disorder. Though hereditary, autism can also be caused by many environmental or genetic factors. There are many symptoms of autism, and is often referred to as a spectrum disorder because there are no two causes of autism that are the same. It often effects a persons development in social interaction, communication skills, and cognitive function.

Approximately 14,000 people in Saskatchewan fall onto the autism spectrum. Approximately 1 in 68 children are affected. Many people from the West Central area, consider the day a way to celebrate unique skills and talents of those with autism.

The Saskatchewan Legislative building located in Regina, raised an Autism Awareness Flag to commemorate the day. The Autism Resource hosted a sensory safe carnival on Saturday for those with autism.The day ended with a Light It Up Blue event at the First Nations University campus, which involves illuminating landmarks with blue lights. People are encouraged to join in change the lightbulbs around there house to blue.