The collective bargaining agreement stalemate continues between the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (STF) and the provincial government. 

Schoolchildren are back in class, and the STF held a press conference on Monday morning about the stalled negotiations and future job action.  

Samantha Becotte, president of the STF, said they’re ready to negotiate but are waiting on the Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee to be given a new mandate to include articles related to classroom complexity within the collective bargaining agreement, rather than a memorandum of understanding outside of the agreement.   

“The Minister of Education has started talking about a potential renewed investment in education coming in the budget,” said Becotte.  

“I have no doubt that without a commitment in the collective agreement where government can be held accountable to this renewed investment once contract negotiations are resolved or public pressure subsides, the Saskatchewan Party will claw back any increased funding that they provide in the upcoming budget in March.” 

Job action is happening throughout the province between now and Thursday, with different divisions impacted every day.

The Ministry of Education was asked to comment on the continued stall and issued the following statement on Monday afternoon: 

It’s unfortunate that the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (STF) senior leadership continues to choose job action over getting a deal done on behalf of teachers, students and families. 

The Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee (GTBC) extended invitations every day last week to the STF to come back to the bargaining table, where negotiators had been waiting and were ready to engage in meaningful discussions. 

The government has moved on a number of items that the STF asked for, including a renewed salary mandate and workplace safety enhancements. The STF has refused to move off their initial proposals, including a 23.4 per cent salary increase. 

Outside of bargaining, government has proposed an agreement with the STF to annualize the $53.1 million in additional funding for class size and complexity.  

Since October, the STF has been at the bargaining table for a total of 30 minutes.  

Teachers and students should be in the classroom, and the teachers’ union should be at the bargaining table.