Be it flashlights, walkie talkies, or even our key fob for the car, batteries are a major part of our everyday life.

With lithium being the major component in a lot of our batteries these days, recycling them is the safest option not just for the environment but for those in waste management and ourselves. Lithium-ion batteries are used in rechargeable products like phones, two-way radios, and laptops to name a few. 

Don’t worry though these types of batteries are safe when handled and cared for properly. Injuries or damage caused by lithium-ion batteries are completely preventable. 

Some tips to consider include, 

Due to their high volatility and how easy they are to damage, here are some tips to consider, 

If a battery is swollen, dented, torn, or show signs of damage and wear, dispose of them properly 

Do not over charge them for longer than recommended as this can cause the battery to overheat. 

If a large lithium-ion battery fire does start, call 911 immediately. These fires are considered Class B flammable liquid fire and require the appropriate fire extinguisher. 

Lithium metal reacts violently with water making the situation worse. 

You are to never throw away a rechargeable battery in household garbage as they have been known to cause uncontrolled fires within waste management facilities. 

There are a few places within the west central region that accepts batteries including lithium-ion batteries, search here to find the closest location 

For more information on battery safety, use and disposal visit here