It was another busy week for members of the Biggar RCMP.

The most notable call came as police came to a quick resolution on a mischief case. According to the report, 30-year-old Kim Paulson was arrested, charged and placed on no contact with the victim for mischief under $5000 after smashing a vehicle window with a bong. Paulson is scheduled to appear in Biggar Provincial court on July 3, 2024.

The next call came due to some more mischief in the community, in the form of graffiti. The art below wasn't the only example, as a few buildings in town were tagged and investigation continues into the one responsible. 

Biggar Graffitt 1.jpgPhoto via Biggar RCMP

An incident took place on Highway #14, after a vehicle vs pedestrian collision occurred on Hwy 14 and was transferred to workman’s compensation to complete the workplace injury investigation. This was not in relation to any construction work going on in the area.

Missing and stolen property also kept officers busy. In one case an individual lost their iPhone, and are still looking for the device with a blue and green case. A theft was reported from a shed around the north end of the RM of Glenside, and another theft took place at the Biggar Campground as a trailer had their chars and solar lights stolen, those matters still under investigation.

Back to the construction zone on Highway #14, Biggar detachment commander SGT. Dereck Crozier did mention in the weekly report that a continuous problem with construction zone speeders is continuing to lead to speeding tickets.

"There continued to be a high number of complaints from the road resurfacing zone, from vehicles speeding to impatient drivers passing others following the safety rules." stated the report, as police handed out five tickets and ten warnings for traffic violations in the area.

The detachment responded to 33 total occurrences over the week according to their June 10 report.