The May long weekend is deemed the “unofficial start to summer” but this year, the extended weekend will be far from feeling like summer. 

Environment and Climate Change Canada Meteorologist Andy Yun shares details on what is expected. 

“It will be fairly cool and unsettled for a large part of the weekend, unfortunately. In the past, when we've had real summer show up early, we have had temperatures that could reach up into the high 20s, almost low 30s. But that is not the case this year.” 

Temperatures will be below season to begin followed by some more seasonal weather as the weekend progress say Yun. 

“We're looking at temperatures, not all that warm. Highs will probably reach about 12 or 13° and maybe a little bit warmer as the weekend goes on, but again, we're still looking at highs, maybe reaching into the mid-teens by Saturday.” 

Evening lows will reach hardly above 0. Following Victoria Day on Monday, temperatures and conditions steady.  

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