Along with notes on recent town business, the latest E-update from the Town of Kindersley involved a pair of important messages.

To start off, the local fire department asks that you please do not drive over fire hoses. This topic was sparked by a fire to begin the week on a corner street on the west residential side of Kindersley, where crews took over the intersection to battle the blaze. The water hose line is the life line of the firefighters, and people should know that driving over fire hoses can cause damage and may result in injury or loss of life. That from Fire Chief Soveran, and all of the members of the local department. Also included below by Soveran was an online video of what could occur in that scenario.

Kindersley Fire departmentNever, ever, drive over a fire truck's hose (Photo via Town of Kindersley) 

The next issue tackled in the most recent document, regarded parking or stopping in “fire lane” designated areas. This can be dangerous for both the person parked, and those in an emergency situation, and registered owners of vehicles can be issued tickets amounting to $250 ($100 if paid within 10 days from violation).

“Fire Lane” areas are typically present around stores and public facilities, and you can view the bylaws here.

View the full update from the Town of Kindersley here.