Coleville's Rossville School is a place of learning, just as much as it's a place for fun. Bringing in the February break a few weeks back, staff and students celebrated their 100th day of school with a ton of fun activities that helped turn the clock back a century for everyone. 

Rossville School principal Krystle Valliere was at the forefront of the fun like always, secretary Joleen Scheible was the one to share pictures, but it was Rossville K-3 teacher Jessica Snatinsky who was the mind behind 100 years of fun. 

Rossville School 100 Days story 1.jpg The students had fun with the opportunity to dress a little older (Photo courtesy Joleen Scheible)

Snatinsky saw the idea online about a year ago and was immediately eager to try it out. It was brought to the Rossville principal, and turned into a 100th 'birthday' celebration of sorts.

Famously separating their classes into "bigs" and "littles" in Coleville, the next step was to find out how everyone could be involved.

"How could we make this a whole school thing? Then our gears started turning. It's a birthday party, we're 100 days smarter, we are all dressing up like we're 100 years old. And then we made it a whole Bigs and Littles thing." said Snatinsky. "We like to do a lot of collaboration between the two classes. It's a really good learning experience for the little kids, but also for the big kids on how to be leaders."

Snatinsky then dug a little more into the day itself. 

"We learned lots about how school was 100 years ago, how markets were 100 years ago. They compared and contrasted to how it's different today," detailed the teacher. "We also did a bunch of 100 second minute-to-win-it activities. How many times can you write your name in 100 seconds? How many times can you jump up-and-down in 100 seconds? They also did cupcakes, because it's a birthday party." finished Snatinsky, as 100 desserts were added into the fold, and students had to add 100 sprinkles before they could enjoy it. 

When talking about Rossville School, you can't forget about their House Teams. Of course the 100th day celebration included a chance for Rossville's four teams to collect points.

"In the afternoon we a gym blast kind of thing for our house teams. They got to earn points." said Snatinsky.

These types of fun and games don't only happen at Rossville, but it's a lot more likely.

"This is the first time I have had the opportunity to do it. I brought it to Krystle, and being the school that it is she was like, 'we for sure have to do that', so that's what we did."

Rossville 1If there's a fun idea, Principal Krystle Valliere wants to hear it

By all accounts from the staff it was a terrific day. We asked Snatinsky about her favourite part of the day, the costumes.

"Oh my god it was hilarious. Seeing kids come in with suspenders and glasses. Lots of them had grey hair. The one that sticks out the most was I had a Kindergartner with a cane and she was walking slowly in the hallways. The kids absolutely loved it," recalled Snatinsky, who also acted out a role herself. "I pretended that I was an old person when we did our morning meetings. I was using our smartboard, acting like I was 100 and had no idea how to use technology." said Snatinsky with her co-workers laughing in the background.

"They all thought it was super hilarious, and they were really into it."

Fun ideas like this one never seem to disappoint at Rossville School. Check out more photos from the day in the photo gallery below.