The aim is to raise awareness of individuals considered deafblind. To fall into this category, an individual has lost vision and hearing to the point neither can be used as a primary source of information.  

Social Services Minister Gene Makowsky explained in a recent release that, “This month celebrates the valuable contributions individuals who are deafblind make in our communities and highlights the importance of preventing and removing barriers so everyone in our province can live their lives to their fullest potential” 

The proclamation was made in partnership with the Canadian Deafblind Association – Saskatchewan Chapter. This group provides individualized programs for individuals with deafblindness to increase their independence while promoting learning and growth on a daily basis. 

Over the past few years the Saskatchewan Government has been working to put together committee’s and acts in place to better help those with accessibility needs. 

On December 3, 2023 the Accessible Saskatchewan Act came into force to remove and prevent barriers that persons with disabilities experience so that everyone can participate and contribute to their community. 

The Accessibility Advisory Committee was established by the government to provide advice to government on proposed accessibility standards, public awareness and education initiatives and other accessibility related matters.

Find more information on Saskatchewan's accessibility legislation here

Find more information on Canadian Deafblind Association here