The removal of the carbon tax has been beneficial to Saskatchewan when it comes to provincial inflation.

In a recent release the Government of Saskatchewan stated that, "Saskatchewan's Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose by only 1 per cent in April 2024 over April 2023. This marks the second lowest increase among the provinces and sits far below the national average of 2.7 per cent."

"Removing the Carbon Tax from home heating is helping our province tackle inflation," Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance Donna Harpauer said. "Our government will always fight for the people of Saskatchewan and stand up against policies that hurt our province."

The release goes on to state the CPI measures, "changes in the price of goods and services over time. Inflation is indicated by the growth of CPI, which helps assess changes to the cost of living. An individual's ability to buy goods and services is affected by changes in income and prices."

The full release can be read here