Farm Credit Canada is investing into the accelerated breeding program at the Global Institute for Food Security at the University of Saskatchewan. This program combines technology such as genomic selection, speed breeding, bioinformatics and computer simulation to increase the genetic gain for crop and livestock breeding programs.  

This would in turn make available new products for producers two to three times faster, without lowering quality. It would also ensure improved agronomics, and disease resistant traits.

The newly named FCC Accelerated Breeding Program at the Global Institute for Food Security at the University of Saskatchewan will provide public and private breeders the opportunity to use the same technologies not normally available for crops and livestock important to Canada.

The hope is that this in turn will bolster the country's global position as a reliable and sustainable producer of food for the world.

In a recent release from Farm Credit Canada its stated that a ”2023 report by FCC identifies a $30 billion opportunity over ten years to rekindle Canada's agriculture productivity growth, and highlights innovation and technology as a pathway to achieving this. Increased genetic gain and yield derived through accelerated breeding will help stimulate rural economic growth and translate to increased revenue and market share for Canadian agriculture." 

Find a full story from earlier this week with GIFS Executive Director Steven Webb below.