Saskatchewan photographers have a chance to let their hobby pay once again this summer. Tourism Saskatchewan's annual "ExploreSask" photo contest began accepting submissions on June 17, and will remain open all the way up to the September 15 deadline.

"Enter photographs or videos of your favourite Saskatchewan adventures for a chance to win great prizes." stated the recent government release. "Amateur and professional photographers and videographers are encouraged to submit their most striking content that captures the natural beauty of Saskatchewan and tells stories about its people and communities."

Interested photographers have six different categories to choose from. "People and Places" is a way to capture unique scenes in our home communities. "Prairie" encourages shots from Saskatchewan's vast landscape that includes everything from hills to hoodoos. "Wildlife" could have people trying to capture live shots of the Saskatchewan Five. "Winter", and "Woods and Water" are another way for people to showcase Saskatchewan's outdoor treasures, in each season. Finally, an option for "Video" does exist where any submissions must include a 60 second maximum clip of any of the above options.

"Saskatchewan's thriving tourism industry continues to attract new visitors and opportunities, resulting in record growth in visitor spending across the province," Minister Responsible for Tourism Saskatchewan Jeremy Harrison said. "This summer, residents and visitors are encouraged to get outdoors and showcase the ever-changing landscapes and natural beauty that Saskatchewan has to offer."

The winner of the contest across each category will earn a $500 Visa gift card, and then a grand prize winner will receive an extra $500. While the winner of the video category cannot win the grand prize, they will be rewarded with their own $1000 Visa gift card. 

Check out to submit your photos and learn more.