Tuesday will be a night to remember in Kindersley with all kinds of talent being put on display.  

Sam Motier, vice principal and teacher of visual arts and guitar spoke with WestCentralOnline setting high expectations for the night's events, 

“Well, they can expect exactly that of variety of performances. We've got some singing, we've got some bands playing, we've got some local artists that are writing original music.  

We've also got some visual arts students that are going to be setting up their most recent works in the lobby for people to view during the intermission and that kind of a thing.” 

But it won’t be limited to just this, a few outside artists will be putting on a show as well, 

“Our local Monday night Jam jammers that meet at the Norman Ritchie Center on Monday night are going to be playing and so is the KCS jazz band.” 

The artistic and musical showcase will also have a few students from Elizbeth middle school will also be hitting the stage to show off their skills and what dedication to a craft can produce. 

The Kindersley interact club itself is a group that strive for community service and use the variety night to raise funds for good causes or those in need. This year's recipient will be the Cancer Society of Canada. 

The doors open at 6pm and the show starts at 6:30 pm, admission is through donation. There will be a raffle, refreshments and snacks.