Bobbi Hebron is a name well known in the community of Kerrobert. She has been Rec Director since 2015 and has decided to step down. 

It was a very hard decision for Hebron, and she talked to West Central Online about her time as Rec Director for the past eight years.

"There has been so much reflection this past month, but I think the biggest thing is the people. And working with all ages of people, that's been the biggest part. I've had some people say to me, there must have been a lot of complaints, but there weren't necessarily a lot them, but they were ideas. And even when there were some complaints, that just to me spoke to people's passions. And so often new ideas they were just great, and something we could move forward with."

Hebron then elaborated on the hard work, stating something she heard when she first started working as Rec Director. 

"I remember someone telling me when I first started this job as Rec Director, to remember we all work at our jobs so we can enjoy our time off. And that time off is so often spent at our rec facilities, that's the importance of recreation and that's where the passion comes from."

What she enjoyed the most about the job were the volunteers who stepped up. 

"The fortunate thing, and I believe rural Saskatchewan is the best at this, there is so many people willing to volunteer to help do that. And so, then it is my job and my honour to work with those volunteers. I would say that's probably what I enjoyed the most about having the job."

As for Hebron's future plans, she is actually returning to a post she has held once before. 

"I'm heading back to the job before I was Rec Director, which is the librarian at the Kerrobert Composite School. I am really excited for that," Hebron added.

Without the help of citizens and Rec Committee board members, Hebron knows her job could not have been done.

“A well-run community starts with good communication, and at those committee meetings, the board meetings. Sometimes they even happened at informal locations. But that's where a lot of things got started. That's where the framework for so many of the great ideas got started. So, the people that stepped up to be on those committees and boards, just a huge thank you to them.” 

Some of the highlights from her time as Rec Director included the building of the shelter at the park, the extension of the lobby at the rink, and the new Zamboni purchased for the Kerrobert Memorial Arena.

As for her replacement, Marli Shepherd is already learning the ropes, as Hebron explained. 

"Marli’s going to be great, she’s involved at all the facilities, her kids participate, or her husband is there. She's just involved in so many different aspects of our community, so she's already at so many of the different facilities. We've been touring the different facilities and I'm trying to give her a little bit of history on why some decisions have been made in different places.  Marli is going to forge her own path, and she's going to bring some new and exciting things. And I’m really excited for her, it's going to be great."

We talked to Shepherd about taking the new position, and she is looking forward to it. 

marli shepherdMarli Shepherd will be taking over as the Kerrobert Rec Director later this month. Photo via Town of Kerrobert Culture and Recreation Facebook page.

“The more I thought about it, it's kind of right up the things that I'd like to see. I like to see our community grow, so if I can do that as part of my job, it kind of makes it fun. I am really excited about it. I am a little nervous because I know I have some super big shoes to fill because Bobbi is so great at her job and a huge ambassador for the Town of Kerrobert."

Shepherd is currently training at this time with the help of Hebron.

“I'm still doing my other job and then if Bobbi has something come up or there's issues or concerns, she brings me in on them.” 

Shepherd will be officially taking over the new position on July 28.