McHappy Day at McDonald's returned for another year on Wednesday marking the 30th anniversary of the yearly event in Canada. The Kindersley McDonald's celebrated the day by welcoming a number of public figures and special guests to support the cause. 

Kindersley Mayor Rod Perkins was present for a portion of the morning and between welcoming guests stopped for a brief conversation with myself to share thoughts on McHappy day.

“When I think of McDonald's I automatically revert to the Ronald McDonald houses and all the work that's been put into that by McDonald's over many, many years. It's a great thing for families that have sick kids and now, of course, in the Jim Patterson Hospital which is huge and is strictly a pediatric hospital. That's probably the main take away I have on McDonald's other than they've always been strong community supporters of Kindersley.” 

During McHappy Day, portions of proceeds go directly to Ronald McDonald House Charities and other local children's charities which support families with sick children. Throughout the years, over 92 million dollars has been raised.