Kindersley town council held a special meeting last Friday, October 20th. 


- Due to a conflict of interest, or appearance of conflict of interest related to the municipal election, Council resolved to bring an end to it's service agreement, effective immediately. The firm identified said conflict of interest to be in a letter to council dated September 15th, 2016. Also, council directed administration to issue a request for proposals (RFP) for the town auditing services. 

- Council directed the Acting Mayor and Chief administrative officer to enter into an agreement with Custom Roofing inc. for completion of the roofing rehabilitation project at the Norman Ritchie Community Center. Without taxes included, the project will cost $45,875. 

- Council also directed the acting mayor and CAO to enter an agreement with Gordon and Maureen Wilson and Allen Glenda Gassner for the purpose of a private waterworks system to distribute to their properties outside of Kindersley. 

- In preparation of the October 21st deadline to submit resolutions to the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA), council approved the resolutions for consideration at SUMA's next annual general meeting to advocate on behalf of cities, towns, and villages across Saskatchewan. 

- That SUMA seek clarification from the minister of Government relations as to whether it is the government of Saskatchewan's intention, VIA legislation, for municipalities to make all municipal contracts and agreements, fully as recommended by the Privacy Commissioner, available to the public. Or, whether the Local Authority Freedom of Information and Privacy (LA FOIP) Regulations also apply to municipal contracts and agreements. 

- That SUMA request the Minister of Government Relations confirm whether it was Health Covered Population is an acceptable means if determining the population of a Saskatchewan community when the Statistics Canada data is questioned; and also give more information as to why Kindersley's city status application was not approved.

- That SUMA look for clarification from the Federal Government and the Provincial Government about the discrepancy in the information as provided to the Provinces and Territories; specifically why the Natural Disaster Mitigation is unavailable to municipalities in the province.