A group of supporters, or adversaries in this case, are lining up across Canada on Monday to protest the annual April 1 carbon tax increase. The latest increase will see carbon pricing move from $65, to $80 per tonne. 

Kindersley will be part of today's movement with a group scheduled to begin protesting at 10:00 AM. They will be at the intersection of Highway 7 and 21, also lining up near the "Welcome to Kindersley" sign. 

The Nationwide Protest Against Carbon Tax group used a press release to share their core message available below, along with other points detailing their overall goals with Monday's protests.

"The message is clear and straightforward: the carbon tax undermines the financial stability of Canadians. The objective remains the total abolition of the carbon tax. The demonstrations are scheduled to commence on April 1st and will persist relentlessly until our voices are heard, and the tax is rescinded." shared the release. More on the nationwide initiative can be found inside their website here. 

Kindersley's gathering is one of many taking place across Canada today. Near Kindersley, two large protests are planned along the Alberta/Saskatchewan border, north around Lloydminster, and south near Maple Creek.

Fifteen groups on social media, including one nationwide, have been coordinating their efforts for Monday. Expect a follow up as WestCentralOnline will have more on the traffic rolling through Kindersley.