At the most recent Kinderlsey town council, the annual budget was approved and released. 

Contained within it are multiple projects and purchases that will better the community and further strengthen the town’s public works. 

Highlights include: 

Infrastructure projects: 

  • Knox street full reconstruction from Coleman Cres to Thomson Drive, sidewalks will be included 
  • Cast iron water main replacement for six blocks and various locations 
  • Lagoon Aeration Blower replacement 

Annual Fleet Management 

  • Mini excavator to aid predominately in the cemetery 
  • Trading in existing tractor and senior transportation bus 

Facilities and green spaces: 

  • Upgrading the West Central Events Center plan using safe, non-toxic, non-flammable refrigerant as well as adding 500 folding seats to the stadium 
  • New playgrounds for the Motherwell beach and on 7th street west 
  • And acquiring RM shop buildings are 408 Railway West 

You can read the complete budget summary here