With the curtains closed on TeleMiracle 48, west-central Saskatchewan can be happy knowing they did their part in-providing tens of thousands of dollars in donations, looking at this year's final total of over $6.1 million raised.  

Putting a bow on TeleMiracle 48, WestCentralOnline reached out to a lead member with the Kinsmen Club of Rosetown Clark Gawryluik to learn the official totals. Like past years, the club hosted their annual roast beef lunch back earlier in February.

"On February 21 we held our annual Kinsmen TeleMiracle Luncheon at the Civic Centre. From the sale of the tickets, and donations that we received that day, we had a net-profit of $14,345.85."

Gawryluik talked more about the special lunch, that goes a long way.

"The (dinner) was very successful." he shared, as the club served around 350 on the day.

It was a good number to serve, but Gawryluik talked about a change in the calendar that has lead to a few more open seats over the past few years. 

"The numbers that have come through the door have been down the last couple of years. I think it's due to the fact that TeleMiracle was moved up a week, and now our event is held during the school break."

Regardless of the turnout, it was still a great event to celebrate the foundation that is helped out by Kinsmen clubs across the province. Keep up with the Kinsmen Club of Rosetown's activity throughout the year by visiting their Facebook page HERE.