Although numbers have decreased, impaired driving continues to be a major contributor to injuries and deaths across the province and SGI is once again shining the spotlight on the issue.

In 2017, the province saw a much needed decline the amount of collisions involving alcohol or drugs, dropping to just below 800 total for the year, which is approximately half which was recorded nine years previous in 2008.

Photo: SGI - 2017 Saskatchewan Traffic Facts - Annual Report

Although the downward trend is encouraging, the total instances still reign too high considering these collisions, injuries and deaths are 100 per cent preventable.

SGI has made impaired driving their spotlight for the month of May and once again, are putting a face to the offence.

Nolan Barnes sustained life altering injuries from an alcohol and drug induced vehicle collision in May of 2010.

After a night of drinking and drug use in Saskatoon, Nolan was a passenger in an SUV driven by an impaired driver. While en route back to Yorkton, the vehicle crashed, killing Nolan’s friend and injuring eight other passengers.

Photos: SGI

Nolan’s injuries were the most severe, his back was shattered and his collarbone was broken. He was in an induced coma for two weeks following the crash, he endured surgery and spent two months in the hospital, followed by many more months of rehab.

Photos: SGI

The crash had ultimately left Nolan paralyzed from the waste down and was now having to learn how to navigate through life in a wheelchair.

Photos: SGI

Joe Hargrave, Minister Responsible for SGI said the focus surrounding impaired driving is largely on the people who are killed but hundreds of people in Saskatchewan are injured, sometimes very seriously, each year as well. “For the people who are injured, and their families, the impacts are devastating and long-lasting. Sometimes, they’re forever.”

In the last decade, nearly 6600 people have been injured in impaired collisions, with 2017 accounting for 368.

SGI and law enforcement will be focusing their attention towards impaired driving for the month of May and state to drivers to always drive sober or plan a safe ride home.

Below is a five-part interview with Nolan as he recounts his experience and life after the crash. 

Videos Courtesty of SGICommunications YouTube Channel