Harris-based band Seven Mile Sun was once again at the Harris Hotel to ring in the holiday season. The sold-out show took place on December 22 and lead guitarist Kevin Stevens said it was another rocking good time.   

“It was excellent, we had a sold-out show, so we had a really full room, and it was mostly a different crowd from last year too. There were a lot of people that we had not seen out at a show for a while or ever. Some people came up from Saskatoon, and there were some fellow musicians from Saskatoon out as well. There were also a few people that had just came on their own because they started following us through live shows or through social media, so it was really great.” 

Stevens then shared they will be heading to one of their favourite spots later this month. 

“We're at Buds on Broadway in Saskatoon on January 27th, which is really exciting. It's our favourite room to play in. They have the best sound, and they treat us well and we always have a good crowd there.” 

The band will then shift focus to the recording studio afterwards in hopes of getting songs ready for their second album. Stevens is hopeful the album will be ready by the summer. 

“It always seems to take longer than it should, or we just procrastinate but summertime would be an optimistic goal.” 

We also discussed how 2023 went for the local band.  

“It was kind of a slow year because we basically took the summer off,” Stevens said. “Everybody was busy personally and we've been going pretty hard. So, we decided just to take some time to focus on our personal lives and then start to get back into it in the winter here a little more seriously again. So, we've been doing some writing, and we have a lot of songs that are yet to be recorded that we've been performing live but haven't had a chance to put them down in the studio yet. We’re really excited about that because I think it's some of our best material yet.” 

Expect more from Seven Mile Sun ahead of their second album release later this year.  

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