Looking for something to do this long weekend? A trip to the retired CFS Alsask Radar Dome could be the perfect trip.

Leading the tours once again is Fred Armbruster with the Canadian Civil Defence Museum And Archives. People can pre-register by calling Armbruster at 1-(780)-690-0854, getting in touch through their Facebook page here, or by email at info@civildefence.ca.

As noted above, the first tours of the year will run on Sunday at 12:00 PM, 2:00 PM, and 4:00 PM. Located outside of Alsask, visitors will need to show up at least 15 minutes before the tour begins. Armbruster shared more on what people need to know ahead of time.

"We request that people pre-register before coming on the tour. Wear close-toed shoes, be prepared for the weather, and come learn a little bit about our cold war history."

Armbruster says the tours will be on the same schedule in 2024.

"Sticking to long weekends, that may change in the future, but at this time the demand is comfortable with that type of setup." he said. "Long weekend tours, this way it helps us work on the facility and help make sure there is new stuff for visitors on the next tour."

It's become a must-see for war historians around west-central, and throughout the prairies. We asked Armbruster about any interest that builds over the winter months.

"It comes and it goes. Depends on what is happening and stuff like that. Usually stays pretty quiet, but people do inquire, yes."

Not all of their attention is wanted. Armbruster appreciates peoples interest in the historic piece of land, but says they need to wait until tour dates if they want to check things out.

"People drive past on a regular basis, because they can see it about 30 minutes away. Quite often if people do have time, they get quite inquisitive about it and drive up. So we get to see them on our security cameras." he said on the unwanted visitors setting off alarms. "The unfortunate factor is we don't know what peoples intentions are, so everybody gets treated equally."

The best advice is to just wait for the tour. Armbruster promises it will be worth it.

"You can take as many pictures as you want and all that kind of stuff. You won't have anyone around asking what you are doing." he laughed.

Screenshot 2024-05-16 132625.png The tour site is located about 60 km west of Kindersley (Screengrab via Google Maps)