It's pansy-monium headed into the final week of sales for this year's "Purple Pansies for Pancreatic Cancer" fundraiser. 

Pam Kosolofski and her crew have been filling out flower orders throughout the month of May, and are now entering the home stretch with pick-up dates coming up next week. Pick up spots are coming up in Kindersley, Rosetown, and Eston, as you can find those posters below.

Helping facilitate the flower sales for over ten years now, Kosolfski gave some insight into their work.

"I started way back when my husband passed away thirteen years ago. I started the next year, so it's twelve years this year." said Kosolofski, who lost her husband to the disease that is pancreatic cancer. The money raised goes towards Pancreatic Cancer Canada. "It seems to be going very well, and they appreciate all the donations and money sent in. They are in dire need of it."

Last year's fundraiser saw about $13,000 raised, after $11,000 the year before. 

"We sold 2,785 four packs at $6 a piece. We haven't changed our price." said Kosolofski, the beautiful flowers still coming from Oyen as well.

Kosolofski and company will need some more orders if they want to reach a similar total in 2024. 

"Hopefully they can hear it by word of mouth, posters, the radio of course." she shared. To order, Kindersley and area can contact Pam herself at 306-463-8362, Rosetown orders can contact Ruth at 306-831-6554, and Eston orders can be directed to Lee at 306-402-7170, or 306-962-3221.

Anyone curious about orders outside those regions can contact Kosolofski. The other target areas include Eatonia and other local spots, and then as far east and west as Saskatoon and Airdrie.

Purple pansy pickup week is typically a busy one.

"Friend of mine drives a truck and O&S from Eston lends us their trailer. We drive out to Oyen on the Thursday and pick up all the pansies. For Eatonia, Cora meets us at Oyen and she gets all hers, because she always has a lot. Then we drive to Kindersley and drop off everybody from Kindersley that has pre-ordered, then to Eston the same day." said Kosolofski on a busy Thursday. "Then (Friday) I deliver over to Elrose for their area sales. Then to Rosetown to meet my friends from Saskatoon who sell there." she finished, also adding that her daughter in Airdrie has sold around 300 packs this year.

Saturday then sees Kosolfski circle back to Eatonia to pickup their contribution, before returning back to Oyen with the flower boxes. 

Purple Pansies 5.jpg Photo from last year's pickup in Kindersley 

Kosolofski said that early next week will likely be the cut-off date for pre-orders.

"Probably Monday, or Tuesday. We will have some on hand, everyone will take an extra flat or whatever just to be on the safe side. But thankfully they aren't holding us to 3000 this year, they were going by last years 2785. Even if we get over 2000 that will be fine. They said they would sell the ones they have leftover from the fundraiser."

Not only will buying between now and then help out a good cause, but it will also get your hands on some pretty sweet flowers.

"They are some awesome plants I tell you."