With the Biggar RCMP's latest report described as a, 'multifariousness of events', one string of activity saw members deal with at least a trio of impaired drivers. 

The first scenario outlined by police saw a 43-year-old driver heading towards Landis, and upon being caught stuck in the ditch within the first half-kilometer, the driver received a 21- day suspension for alcohol.

The next case of impaired driving saw a 30-day impoundment, with the biggest factor towards the hefty penalty being the fact that the vehicles passenger was under the age of 15-years-old. 

Finally, police caught a 17-year-old that thought it would be a good idea to drive impaired, while still holding a learner's permit, even stealing his mom's car for the joyride through the area. The illegal trip ended up with the vehicle high centered on a snow bank, as thankfully none of the passengers were injured. 

Police Red.jpg The driver luckily ended up in the ditch with no passengers being harmed (Photo courtesy Biggar RCMP)

Many would think the Super Bowl played a factor after reports of a smashed TV with a shovel. This case of mischief actually took place before the Super Bowl, as Kansas City can't take the blame.

Another interesting call came after a theft from an apartment on 3 Avenue. The occupant was missing eight potatoes, two quarts of sugar, and beets from the pantry. From the jewelry box, a wedding ring was stolen, along with three spools of thread. 

Police dealt with the younger population looking at a few different calls. A 911 call was made from the arena, later found to be kids playing with the phone. In a separate event, a child found themselves stuck in the shed at the local outdoor rink, as the kid was brought to safety and the broken door was later fixed. 

The local by-law officer had a run-in with a resident. Police described it as a complaint of aggression, though Sgt. Dereck Crozier detailed it as a call to service for the by-law officer, stating, "he has a job to do, maybe don’t provide a reason for a visit". 

A report of trespassing in the RM of Eagle Creek came after some un-neighbourly conduct. A group was running their UTV's without respecting property boundaries, and provincial trespassing laws. Also rurally in the area, reports were made of an abandoned unregistered vehicle on Triumph Road.

In town limits, there were reports made of a car driving erratically around town with a usual suspect driver. Nearby in Perdue, there was a complaint of trespassing on Avenue H in the community after residents noticed footprints being left behind. Despite the lead, members were unable to identify a suspect.

Also taking place in Perdue was a 42-year-old on Avenue N that was concerned after dealing with noise hypersensitivity, caused by vehicular traffic. The same report was made multiple times to the set of neighbours, before the investigation took an interesting turn. 

"Felt in necessary to report three times over the week on their young neighbours, but not to worry as a Hudson Bay resident then phoned, calling them out on their puppy milling fraud, scheming them out of a dog."

The final call to share on the list came after another dispute. Biggar members received word of parties fighting over an estate, as ultimately the biggest takeaway from that instance is to keep wills up to date should the unexpected happen.

A total of 36 occurrences were noted in the report. They included a total of six tickets, and eight warnings being handed out.