A new chiropractor will be starting up operations in Kerrobert today. Dr. Cameron Taylor, who hails from Saskatoon, will be offering his services every Tuesday.

The Economic Director of the Town of Kerrobert talked about the recruitment process.   

“I had connected with the Saskatchewan Chiropractors Association and basically asked if I could put out an ad for the Town of Kerrobert community to have a chiropractor in town. I recently did a survey and one of the survey's results was we need more business in Town, and we need more specific care to Town. So, the chiropractor was one of them on the list.” 

The EDO then talked about what was in the ad in the recruitment process. 

“I basically said, we have a bed, we have a space, the space is going to be in the Kerrobert Courthouse, we have a spare room. Anyone, anywhere willing to come for even if it's just for one to two times a week would be fantastic.” 

The process was 6-7 months before Dr. Taylor answered the bell and got everything in line for his business to open in the community.  

“I got a response from Dr. Cameron Taylor, who had messaged me by e-mail and said, hey, I'm interested, what's it all about? So, I kind of gave him the lowdown of what we're offering. Like, we're offering our space, we're offering a room. Let's see how you get on. And then if things are successful, then we can kind of look at the cost of rent and then move on from there. It was all good, he got himself a website set up. He got himself an online booking system. He's on Facebook, he's got his own website and basically, he's going to be coming every Tuesday from 10:00 until 5:30. And then depending on the customer's need, he will look at potentially coming back more. He comes from Saskatoon just once a week right now.” 

The new chiropractor will not only help the Town of Kerrobert, but should help drive more business and people to the community for years to come.