The Sun West School Division is back sharing another year of student success stories. Students in Rosetown were recognized for work done in the shop last semester, that was all for a community project.

It all started when the Rosetown Lions Club approached Practical and Applied Arts teacher at RCHS Ken Dows. The Club was asking for help to re-build the town's mini golf course located on Main Street, and Mr. Dow's 12 students were assigned lucky number Hole 13.

Mr. Dows said in the Sun West release, “they were proud and excited to take this on. Some of them commented that perhaps someday they would take their own children mini-golfing and would be able to tell their kids they had helped build the course.”

Fully believing work like this adds educational value to the course, this isn't the first, or last time a local shop class has done something good for the community. Only asking to cover the material cost, RCHS students in the past have taken on additional projects for senior citizens in Elrose and mechanics at a local autobody shop to name a few. 

RCHS Principal Craig Vanthuyne was proud to see their goal of community engagement with the school paying off. You can more pictures and comments from the people involved in the link above.

With only a few weeks left to enjoy the amazing project at the golf course, there's no better time to re-grip the putter and take in a round of mini-golf. Besides, there may a few less leaves on the fairway than your local course.

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