The P.A.R.T.Y Program is almost finished for another year. The program is a yearly opportunity to teach high school students about the consequences, and real life scenarios when it comes to risk-taking in youth.

Longtime coordinator for the program Liza Dahl shared more on the acronym, and the day itself for anyone who might not be aware.

"It stands for Prevent Alcohol and Risk Related Trauma in Youth. It's a program that focuses on looking at risks, weighing out the risks that we are taking, understanding the consequences, positive or negative, and really looking at what somebody goes through when they are in a traumatic incident."

The day involves volunteer efforts from teachers, all the way to emergency responders, all coming together to teach students an important lesson. Parents are welcome to attend, but don't typically help with carrying out any of the days events.

"It takes the whole community really, a lot of community partners involved in the day to make it happen," said Dahl. "Lots of professionals that are involved in a traumatic incident, whether it's the people responding to the incident, or the follow-up, like the addictions counselling, physical therapy and rehabilitation process, or funeral in the situation that someone passes away."

Community members and professionals are key cogs of the operation.

"Often times we don't require a ton of volunteers. Between the schools, all the schools that attend, we have a lot of staff. School counsellors, EA's, teachers that participate. Sometimes we have people from health," added Dahl. "Crystal Storey, she is always involved in the P.A.R.T.Y Program with us. " Dahl finished as the day sees a wide variety of help. 

WestCentralOnline visited the Kindersley stop back in April, where Dahl shared the rest of their schedule. Davidson is the last stop, after trips to Outlook, Kindersley, Rosetown, and Biggar.

"They were very good. Every community did a fantastic job. There was no real glitches or anything, students seem to enjoy the day, and walk away feeling like they have learned some things." said Dahl, the education aspect overtaking what some people may feel is a traumatic experience itself for students. "Nobody takes that approach with the day. It's really just trying to show them the reality of what happens, and more so to educate them.

What does everybody go through as a professional, that has to respond, or you know, handle a situation when there is a traumatic incident in a community. What the community goes through, what the family goes through, what their friends go through, and what the individual goes through. Kind of that ripple effect, right?"

Everybody community presents a slightly different experience, but the takeaway message always remains the same.

"The overall message is helping students to have the knowledge to make some educated decisions and choices about the risks they are taking."