Written with files from Kash Knight

A welcome sight after enduring a roller coaster few weeks of cold weather, according to Environment Canada weekend highs are expected anywhere between 1 and 9 degrees, carrying through Monday around west-central Saskatchewan.

Environment and Climate Change Canada Meteorologist Justin Shelley shared that a change in wind direction will help bring in the warmer temperatures, and that some records could be broken yet again. After Wednesday's low below 0, the temperature should should shift upwards as we move into the weekend.

The temperatures will vary around the region, though it's looking like Sunday and Monday will be the warmest days across the board. In Kindersley and Rosetown the current high for Monday is +8 degrees, around Outlook it's reading +5 degrees as the high, and then the hot-spot for the region is unsurprisingly Leader at a high of +10 degrees on Sunday.

Despite the impressive January highs set for the weekend, it won't be hard to forget that just two Saturday's ago on January 13 the low was a gnarly -44.4 degrees. The nearly 50 degree difference should be something of a record, and WestCentralOnline will likely be following up with Environment Canada during the summer-like weather into next week.

Find your five day weather forecast HERE.