Saskatchewan's labour force is continuing to trend upwards. According to a government release last Friday, the latest Statistics Canada Labour Force Survey showcased a growing Saskatchewan economy where employment reached an all-time high with 16,200 new jobs added year-over-year. 

That's to go along with an unemployment rate that also fell in May to 5.6 per cent. That figure represents the the third lowest in Canada, and a mark well below the national average of 6.2 per cent.

“There are more people working in Saskatchewan than ever before,” Immigration and Career Training Minister Jeremy Harrison said. “Our province's record job growth is driven by the unprecedented level of investment being made in Saskatchewan. Our government will continue to work alongside job creators to build the labour force needed to fill the jobs that Saskatchewan's rapidly growing economy is creating."

More statistics from May were a record high:

  • Full-time employment (506,800)
  • male employment (332,000),
  • female employment (282,400),
  • labour force (649,700),
  • population (947,600),
  • and off-reserve Indigenous population (113,400); 
  • Major sector gains reported in professional, scientific and technical services, up 4,800 or 13.9 per cent,
  • also information, culture and recreation, which saw a gain of 4,000 or 20.9 per cent,
  • Additionally, education services saw a gain of 3,700 or 7.3 per cent.  
Screenshot 2024-06-10 082941.png Province wide, there were 12,900 full time jobs, and 3,300 part time jobs added year over year (Statistics, photo via Government of Saskatchewan)

As you can see above, the local Saskatoon-Biggar region is just behind Regina-Moose Mountain for employment growth in May. The biggest growth was noticed in Saskatchewan’s two major cities as Regina reported a year-over-year employment increase of 7,200 (5.0 per cent), and Saskatoon who reported an employment increase by 5,700 (2.9 per cent).

"Adding to this growth, the province's exports for 2022 and 2023 combined reached $102 billion an increase of 52.2 per cent from the previous two-year period of 2020-2021." stated the release. "Additionally, Saskatchewan's Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose by only 1.0 per cent in April 2024 over April 2023, marking the second lowest increase among the provinces."

Between January and May, the Saskatoon-Biggar region has witnessed an employment growth of 5.7 per cent from about 211,000, to over 223,000.