One of the most recognizable buildings in Kerrobert draws extra attention during the Halloween season. The famous Kerrobert Courthouse is believed by many to be one of the most haunted buildings not only in the West Central region, but in all of Saskatchewan.  

The century old heritage building has its fair share of ghost stories from both visitors and workers which includes Town of Kerrobert Recreational Director Bobbi Hebron who mentioned some of the reasons why the Courthouse is said to be haunted. 

“There's a fair share of interesting stories about different things that have gone on in the building. Lots of the stories are really innocent with just small tricks being played, like items being left where they weren't 5 minutes prior, but then there's also some scarier stories and more sinister that people have left frightened, and even scared not wanting to return.” 

Although these events occur, Hebron mentioned it's not a deterrent for those wanting to experience ghostly encounters.  

“It doesn't stop people from coming and even these past couple weeks we've had a lot of phone calls from people wanting to walk through. A lot of them are hoping to see something and lots are hoping to prove that there's nothing going on.” 

The Courthouse is home to offices, The Kerrobert Courtroom Gallery, The Kerrobert & District Museum and the Kerrobert Wheatland Regional Library. There are a couple reasons why the Courthouse is said to be haunted and Hebron gives a couple of explanations. 

“In the basement there were originally jail cells and some people believe that they may hold some angry spirits. There's other people that believe that perhaps just from it being a courtroom that there's some hostile feelings left behind from trials that maybe didn't turn out the way people had hoped. All the way from hat to just it's an old building, it's over 100 years old and it makes a lot of strange sounds.” 

In addition to those theories, there is one piece of evidence in particular which gives reason why ghostly encounters happen, says Hebron. 

“We know to be true that there was lots of evidence held here, especially in the vaults of the basement. One was the skull of a murder trial that had happened in the area, and it was housed here as evidence until the courthouse closed. So that’s an ongoing story that people think could be a reason why there was some hauntings here.” 

It is said the ghostly activity ramps up more than usual around Halloween and people actively seeking the chance or opportunity to have ghostly encounters are always welcome to visit and tour the Kerrobert Courthouse. The hours to visit are 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM until 4:30 PM.