Talented artists in the Sun West School Division recently got some recognition. Seven students had their entries selected for the second-ever Sun West Student Art Contest, earning themselves a gift certificate courtesy of Sun West to celebrate with a pizza party in their class.  

According to the Sun West release, following the December 2 deadline the art was put through an initial review, and the top entries were selected in each category. Students were asked to create art "that depicted life in Sun West School Division".

The final group of judges included Board members, Sun West staff, and even student leaders. They selected the following students:

Pre-K to Grade 3 Category

  • First - Thea Sedgwick, Grade 3, Elrose Composite School
  • Runner up - Alex Baier, Grade 3, Westberry Elementary School

Grades 4-6 Category

  • First - Zackary Stahl, Grade 6, Springwater Colony School
  • Runner up - Emily Stahl, Grade 5, Springwater Colony School

Grades 7-9 Category

  • First - Jilliane Baldelobar, Grade 9, Kindersley Composite School
  • Runner up - Dan Reodique, Grade 9, Kindersley Composite School

Grades 10-12 Category

  • First - Jenascia Baldelobar, Grade 12, Kindersley Composite School
banner-1705504383.jpg This collection of artwork will be displayed in the Sun West Division Office for a year (Photo via Sun West School Division)

Sun West estimates that two-thirds of their schools entered the contest in the fall, as the over 200 entries were split into the four categories above. 

“We want to thank all the students who entered!” Said Vicki Moore, Sun West Director of Education, “Everyone did such a wonderful job. We really enjoyed all the art we received and will proudly display the artwork of the first place and runner up students at the Division Office. Their talent and creativity is inspiring!” She added.

Find an up-close look at each piece of art, and the creative minds behind them in the photo gallery below.