The Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association convention is next week in Saskatoon. Rosetown's Mayor Adam Krieser and the rest of his town council will be in attendance, and will be bringing up local issues with cabinet ministers, who will also be in attendance. The town has received confirmation that they will get time with the Minister of Highways and the Minister of SaskPower, and are hoping to confirm time with Social Services or the Saskatchewan Housing Company. 

Mayor Adam Krieser said when they have time with the Minister of Highways, they will be discussing a few different topics, one of which will be enquiring about a cross walk on highway 7 between the Tourism Booth and Main Street. According to Michelle Schmidt, Rosetown's CAO, she thought they had applied for the crosswalk in the past but had been turned down due to volume of traffic. Council plans to re-open the issue when they get their chance with the minister, in hopes of coming to a solution one way or another. 

Mayor Adam Krieser in talking about the issues at the intersection of highway's 4 and 7. 


With SaskPower, Mayor Krieser will be looking into "street light savings and LED programs" and if they had any pilot projects that they wanted to test out, he said they'd like to see if they would be able to sign up Rosetown for those projects. 

The convention will also be an excellent time for some of the new councilors to do some learning as there will be several different seminars.

The SUMA convention in Saskatoon runs from February 5-8, 2017. 

If you'd like more information on the SUMA convention, click here.