Back at the beginning of the school year, the Sun West School Division announced two of their schools had joined the Canadian Playful Schools Network.

Both Biggar Central School 2000 and Eaton School in Eatonia were included as CPSN members this year. In Biggar it was students grades 5-7 that joined the network, and in Eatonia the entire K-12 school was able to benefit from this "play based initiative".

CPSN is funded through the LEGO Foundation, being headed by University of Ottawa researchers who will be looking forward to going over this year's results.

"Our whole K-12 school looks forward to promoting holistic learning through play-based initiative,” stated Eaton teacher Nichole Bredy in the September release, “We are excited to enhance our Spartan outdoor educational space as well as our makerspace.”

That statement came in the fall, as Eaton School recently shared another update with the final day of school coming up fast.

It seems like CPSN was a big part of their plans this past school year. They used the program to purchase a Lego table for elementary students to appeal to their creativity, and also allowed their PAA classes to construct a greenhouse among other things.

Check out what Eaton School had to say in full below.