A workplace injury near Elrose over two years ago has resulted in a hefty fine for an out-of-province oil and gas servicing company.

Alberta's WSK Well Service Inc. pleaded guilty in Rosetown Circuit Court last month to violating occupational health and safety regulations. The violation will cost the company $65,000, with the court sanctioned fine coming in at $46,428.57 and the surcharge being $18,571.43.

The incident took place on Jan. 18, 2022, close to Elrose, as a worker was struck by a rod and seriously hurt. 

WSK Well Service Inc. pled guilty for contravening clause 3-1 (a) of the regulations, being an employer at a place of employment, failing to provide and maintain plant, systems of work and working environments that ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of their employees, resulting in the serious injury of a worker.

The Crown also stayed on extra charge from the incident.