Residents in Eatonia kicked off the month of June with a special performance from the Eaton School senior marching band. The senior band, which is comprised of 17 students from Grade 9-12, including three 2021 graduates, marched their way through the community, putting on display all of their hard work and talent. 

Ms. Whitell with the senior band's three graduating students, Richie, Emma and Quinn.

In true Eatonia fashion, numerous residents came out to support the students as they lined the street along the band's route, cheering them on as they passed by. The warm temperatures added an extra element of endurance for the band, but thanks to a donation from the local Co-op, parents of the band members were handing out water bottles, making the march a little more bearable in the direct heat. 

This finale performance represented much more than another year gone by, it represented the tenacity, patience and love of music, not only for the students, but for their teacher, Ms. Diedra Whitell as well.

"This is the first time the band has performed in over a year," shared Whitell, "last year, restrictions were put into place March 20th, so we weren't able to hold our annual Strawberry Social and concert - and then with the restrictions put in place this fall and winter, it made it extremely challenging to hold practices and really, keep everyone motivated".

Whitell explained that in November, the restrictions required the students to be three metres apart, which meant not all students would be able to practice together. 

"We had to split up into different groups and try and do different projects, but it was difficult, I had students that were losing interest in band and as a music teacher, that just pulls at your heartstrings," said Whitell. 

April is when the light at the end of the tunnel began to shine through. Whitell decided to look into to having a marching band, something the Eaton School has not had in numerous years. As it would turn out, the restrictions would allow for the band to play all together as one group and by the end of April, they were outside, playing music, marching and were back to once again enjoying band. 

To see the performance on Tuesday night, you would have never known it was their first time being in a marching band, which Whitell said took a lot of dedication and practice.

"Playing an instrument is already multi-tasking and then to add in another element, it can be a lot - and then too, the students had to memorize all of the music start to finish," explained Whitell.

Photos and video courtesy: Eaton School

Regardless of the challenges throughout the year and with learning a new skillset in the way of a marching band, both Whitell and the Eaton School senior band persevered and brought a great show to the residents of Eatonia. 

Next week, Whitell and her two other band groups will be once again taking to the streets of Eatonia for more musical entertainment. 

"On Tuesday, the 8th, my Grade 7's and 8's will be going out along the same route and then on the following night, my 5's and 6's will be going out as well, they'll just be going down Main Street, but - we're excited and hope everyone comes out once again".