A big conversation headed into the growing season has been just what producers can expect for moisture following a mild-winter. A lack of snow this year has to be a difficult pill to swallow, especially after the trace amounts of rain noticed throughout west-central Saskatchewan in 2023.

Getting a gauge on things, snowfall totals for January around Kindersley and Rosetown saw 11 cm fall total, and February's snowfall totals have already passed that mark with 11.2 cm of snow hitting the ground. Snowfall totals around the region are not currently being totaled for surrounding weather stations, though the fact of a light snowpack can't be a far cry from what's been confirmed around Kindersley.

Speaking on the current situation at hand, Environment Canada Meteorologist Terri Lang talked about what we can expect.

"If you look at it in a time frame, of course because you have to look at in a longer term precipitation deficit stretching over years now, certainly more of a snowpack is needed." said Lang, adding similar sentiment for any spring rains on the way. 

After continued snowfall Wednesday, no more is expected to fall through the weekend. There has also been a brief relapse of cooler temperatures as Wednesday morning's windchill was somewhere in the -20s. 

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