The playoffs are officially out of reach for the Kindersley Klippers, but they managed to play spoiler in their last road game of the season against the Battlefords North Stars. A solid effort saw the Klippers put together a 4-2 win where they never trailed the entire way.

In the first half of the period, both teams were keeping pace with chances at either end and the shots were 5-5 before the halfway portion of the season. Cameron Rimstad had an early big hit in the game when he caught Zane Florence along the wall in the Klippers defensive zone.

There was no scoring in the first period, and that thanks in part to the Matt Pesenti show. Halfway through the period he made an incredible save on a one timer to his right where he swung the glove hand up in the air and just redirected the puck wide.

Both teams had a powerplay after the first half of the period. The North Stars powerplay went to work and put up a decent amount of shots on the man advantage while Ethan Hilbig sat for tripping, and after that with Florence in the box for the North Stars, the Klippers only registered a single shot, but the powerplay created a lot of chances that were either blocked or sent just wide.

After 1: Klippers 0 - 0 North Stars, shots 11-6 North Stars

Tylin Hilbig opened the scoring just 28 seconds into the second. After the Klippers won the faceoff, Brayden Koch gave the puck to Andrew Schaab, and he touched it to the middle for Hilbig, and he cut towards the middle as he crossed the blue line. From the top of the slot, Hilbig fired a shot that hit a defender's stick and went over the glove and under the bar to score. The North Stars scored a similar goal the night before on the Klippers.

Less than a minute later, Josh Pufahl went to the box for roughing and Jake Southgate went for goalie interference, and the Klippers would get a 4-on-3 powerplay for 1:30 when Sam Witt was called for holding, but the Klippers couldn't find the back of the net despite tons of chances.

Then with the Klippers on a bad line change, Witt from his own blue line sent the puck ahead for Evan Waldie to spring him on a 2-on-0 with Dylan Esau. Waldie down the right side of the ice sent the pass over for Esau and Pesenti stretched out the pad to try and make a desperation stop, but Esau was smart and instead shot for the middle of the net and put it five hole to tie the game.

On another 4-on-4 in the period with Carson Baylis and Steven Kesslering both in the box for roughing, the Klippers got their lead back on a beautiful passing play. Jaxon Georget gave the puck to Brayden Koch on the right point, then he sent it into the middle for Noah Lindsay driving towards the net. Lindsay drew the defenders while tapping the puck back to the middle of the slot for Nathan DeGraves, and he creeped to the top of the slot before blowing a wrist shot by the blocker side to take the lead back with less than seven minutes left in the period.

After 2: Klippers 2 - 1 North Stars, shots 15-10 North Stars in the period, 26-16 North Stars overall

Just under two minutes into the period and the Klippers extended their lead. On the forecheck, Matt Mazzocchi and Aiden Bangs worked together to take the puck from the North Stars on the right wall hashmarks. When the puck came free, Bangs went towards the net and Mazzocchi waited for him to get free before passing it, and Bangs fired a wrist shot from the right faceoff dot that caught a part of Lowen Kenyon's glove before trickling in behind him.

Halfway through the period, Ethan Hilbig dropped the gloves with Dylan Esau, and although Esau isn't small by any means at 6'2 190lbs, Hilbig absolutely manhandled him by jerseying Esau and feeding him upercuts until they both tumbled to the ice and Hilbig had fired up his team.

The rest of the period would go on fairly even until the North Stars, still battling for third place in the league, pulled their goaltender and got one back. The North Stars would score when they started to jam at the puck at the left side of Pesenti's crease, and with Pesenti in the splits pinning his left pad to the post, Bradley Blake somehow made the puck squirt free into the crease behind Pesenti for Zane Florence to poke into the back of the net with less than two minutes to go.

The North Stars pulled Kenyon again after the faceoff at centre, but this time it would be Andrew Schaab who would ice the game after chasing down a puck at centre ice and easily depositing it into the back of the net.

FINAL: Klippers 4 - 2 North Stars, shots 14-5 North Stars in the period, 40-21 overall