SaskPower has been reaching out to residents for their input as they look for cleaner, greener, and more innovative sources of power. 

Residents can provide input through in-person sessions or a new online tool as a spokesperson for SaskPower Scott McGregor explains. 

"To keep our power reliable and cost-effective we're going to be evaluating and developing a whole wide suite of options to power the future and we want to hear from Saskatchewan on their thoughts, their concerns, their questions and so that's why were engaging customers on this."

Although there is a new online tool to provide feedback, McGregor said they will also be scheduling in-person sessions over the next number of weeks and months in various communities and municipalities.

McGregor provides some insight into the type of feedback they are looking for. 

"We want to know from our customers what's important to them. If it comes to reducing emissions, if that's important, if reliability is important, safety and things like that. We are looking to gain as much perspective from our customers as humanly possible, as we design our future power system."

McGregor added the sessions will also help to inform customers about where SaskPower is at, the constraints they are facing, and opportunities that exist going into the future. 

SaskPower is currently on track to reduce emissions by 50% from 2005 levels, while reaching net 0 greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner. 

Anyone looking to learn more or wanting to start a conversation can click here.