UPDATE: Wednesday, January 24, 2024, 4:00 PM

Fog still remains around the Biggar, Delisle and Outlook areas but has lifted pretty much everywhere else in the west central region. 

Highway Hotline 4pm Jan 24 24.png Screenshot of Highway Hotline as of 4:00 pm Wednesday.

UPDATE: Wednesday, Jan 24, 2024, 10:30 AM

The fog has dissipated for the most part around the region, though poor visibility does seem to be lingering around Rosetown.

Highway #4 from Biggar to Elrose, and Highway #7 between Fiske and Saskatoon are still under the heavy fog. Highways in the Outlook area, and further east are still looking foggy. 

Any fog in the Kerrobert area was gone by the time the sun came up.

The current forecast has more fog expected into tonight, so check the Highway Hotline for updated driving conditions.

Screenshot 2024-01-24 103922.jpg

ORIGINAL: Wednesday, Jan 24, 2024, 7:00 AM

Local highways seem to be under some poor visibility this morning. A quick look at the Highway Hotline shows less than ideal driving conditions for Wednesday morning. 

Reduced visibility due to fog is being reported for Highway #7 from Fiske all the way to Saskatoon, Highway #4 north and south of Rosetown, and the entirety of Highway #51. That region around Kerrobert is also reporting fog north and south on Highway #21, stretching west to Macklin on Highway #31, and east to the Scott/Wilkie region on Highway #374. 

The route on Highway #14 is also reporting poor visibility the entire stretch through the Macklin, Unity, Biggar area. Looking a little further south, poor visibility is also noted for Highway #31 to Plenty, Highway #45 south of Delisle to the Lucky Lake region, and Highway #15 each direction from Outlook. Seasonal driving is noted around the Kyle, Beechy region.

With warmer temperatures about to hit after the first cold snap of the season, this could be the start of a foggy stretch around west-central Saskatchewan.