The west-central region is 23 per cent seeded looking at the Ministry of Agriculture's latest crop report for May 7-13, posted on May 17. It's a good jump from the first week's 5 per cent, but producers are behind schedule in comparison to previous years.

Rain delays have the region well behind it's five-year average of 64 per cent, that number sitting high after a few dry years that allowed producers in the field early and often. The five-year average for the province as a whole sees seeding currently 32% complete, behind the provincial five-year average of 54 per cent, and the 10-year average of 45 per cent. 

Leading the way at 41 per cent complete are field peas, and lentils at 40 per cent. The list continued on with spring wheat coming in at 28 per cent complete, durum and barley both at 11 per cent, canary seed at eight per cent, and oats at two per cent. Also in that mix are canola and mustard being shared at 12 per cent and six per cent complete respectively. 13 per cent of perennial forages have also been seeded in the region according to the Thursday release.

As mentioned, the main culprit preventing seeding has been significant rain. The crop report shared some widespread activity out of the skies.

"The highest rainfall reported was in the Marengo area at 39 mm followed by the Macklin area at 38 mm. The Dinsmore area reported 19 mm and the Sonningdale area reported 13 mm. The least amount of rainfall fell in the Unity area that reported 2 mm for the past week."

As a result of the rain, topsoil moisture levels continue to look strong. In the region we are looking at cropland being reported at, "one per cent surplus, 80 per cent adequate, 15 per cent short and four per cent very short." Hayland operations are being reported at, "70 per cent adequate, 25 per cent short and five per cent very short", similar totals being seen for pasture topsoil moisture conditions at, "70 per cent adequate, 24 per cent short and six per cent very short."

The focus for producers now is getting back in the field to see whenever possible, that activity joining spraying, land rolling and rock picking. Cattle producers should be finishing up with calving, leaving them with the task of moving cattle to pasture.