One of the best things about living in Saskatchewan is our uninhibited views of the sky. Its the magic of the Land Of The Living Sky. And with the ever-changing landscape above our heads, we are treated to some spectacular phenomena. 

Mammatus Over Hay

One such phenomena is Mammatus clouds. These are bulging features, like bubbles that protrude from the cloud and often look very ominous. While their formation is tied to thunderstorms, their appearance does not always mean danger is near. Often, they are most viewable AFTER the storm has passed and generally for only around 15 min 

They are not a new phenomenon, they were first described and recorded in 1894. While they are well understood as downdraft (sinking cold air) features, research is still being done on the exact mechanism of formation. 

Mammatus can vary in size and definition from small barely recognizable features to large bulging pouches that are well defined. Regardless of their appearance, it's generally a stunning site to see. 

Mammatus RoadPhoto Credit Gunjan Sinha

Interesting fact: While normally found on the underside of the anvil of a thunderstorm they have also been reported on the underside of ash clouds following a volcanic eruption.