On Sunday, the village of Glenside held their very first “Be Your Best Self” trade show, which was all about spiritual wellness, and meditation.

The event ran from 10 am to 4 pm, and was hosted at the Glenside Activity Centre, which was filled with various tables run by people offering things like jewellery and special crystals, but also offers for spiritual health classes and reflexology.

Tina Leverton, who helped to organize the show, helped to explain some of the special events that were also available to guests.

“Our first session of the day was a mindfulness meditation, stress kind of a session, and it’s an hour long session. Then we had sessions on how to use crystals, and energy healing, and reflexology. We also had one fitness session, it’s a “pound class,” so that’s using drumsticks and having a good time with that. There’s as much variety in our talks, as there is in our trade show.”

Since this was the first show of its kind in Glenside, Leverton helped to explain what the inspiration was behind it.

“We’re a non-profit group for advancing the community. So it’s a community service type thing, and we’re just offering something different for people to take in, and hopefully come away with something interesting.”

When asked beforehand what she was most looking forward to from the show, this was Leverton’s response;

“I’m looking forward to taking it in. I do a lot of organizing, so I’m gonna go around and check everything out and just see what’s new and what’s interesting.”